CyberBee has
been providing rich Internet resources to educators for over 20
years. The Internet and way we obtain information has changed dramatically during that time.
such as these live in our popular culture, but have their beginnings
in someone's imagination. CyberBee is a perfect example.
If you go back in time to the mid-1950s on a small farm in rural
Ohio, you will see a large beehive in the far corner of an orchard
behind a white brick farmhouse.
You will also observe a little girl hiking through the fields and along the
creek looking for treasures. She was so active, her father dubbed
her "Busy Bee," and
that is how her name appeared on the family letterhead. Fastforward to the
1990s and observe this same person, needing a cartoon character
to guide teachers on
Internet adventures. During one restless night, the idea exploded from her
mind - CyberBee, a busy little bumblebee zooming around the Internet
scouting out
curriculum treasures.
the CyberBee Learning Team
Joseph is a retired Library Media Specialist from the
Columbus (Ohio) Public Schools. She also worked at The Library
of Congress as an American Memory Fellow and educator in
residence for a year. Linda is the author of Net Curriculum:
An Educator's Guide to Using the Internet. She also writes
the CyberBee column for MultiMedia and Internet @Schools magazine.
She was a part-time instructor for The Ohio State University
and Otterbein College, where she assisted educators with
integrating technology into the curriculum through a variety
of courses. Linda is the recipient of the Governor's Pathfinder
Award for Educational Technology, the Golden Apple Achiever
Award from Ashland, and the OELMA-Winnebago Progressive Library
Media Program Award. She presents at many state, national,
and international conferences. |
Resch is a retired Instructional Technology Specialist
from Columbus (Ohio) Public Schools and developed Web-based
curriculum. Linda was a part-time instructor at The Ohio
State University, presented at professional conferences,
and taught at the gifted and talented program at Ohio Wesleyan
University. She is a Jennings Scholar and NSF/USI Teacher
Exemplar. She continues to facilitate online courses for
eTech Ohio. |
Donlan had a long and rewarding teaching career and held
a position at the Library of Congress. Leni was involved
in educational outreach and the creation of educational content
for teachers and students through the Learning Page of the
Library of Congress. She created online projects like Postcard
Geography and Westward HO! Sadly, she passed away in 2007.
Her projects continue on Cyberbee. |

Advice from Cyberbee as featured in the book, Super Searchers
Go To School by Joyce Kasman Valenza and Reva Basch. Google
provides a preview. The theme of the interview was searching and
content on the Web.

in 1999, Net Curriculum provided lots of practical advice
for beginners who wanted to use the Internet in their classrooms.
Much has changed
since that time so the Cyberbee team keeps adding curriculum.

1993, the World Link newsletter was sent free to educators who
provided 9 self-addressed stamped envelopes.The newsletter was
followed with two editions of the book. The 1995 edition is shown