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on the Net is public domain. Right? Read "The 10 Big Myths
About Copyright Explained" by Brad Templeton and you will
soon have a different perspective. Another thought provoking article
is David Rothman's "Copyright and K-12: Who Pays in the Network
Era?" His premise is that with current law, children must
pay the ultimate price because inadequate budgets will not allow
schools to pay licensing fees. Several issues are presented: what
networks mean to teachers and students, how copyright may affect
K-12 networking, attitudes of educators, and options for a solution.
If you want a cool Web-based tool for your students to use to create
bibliographies from email citations to Web sites, check out NoodleTools
Quick Citation.
basic copyright information, current legislation, and international
agreements go to the United States Copyright Office. The Copyright
Clearance Center is a not-for-profit organization created to help
organizations comply with U.S. copyright law. With over 1.75 million
titles, it provides authorized users with a lawful means to make
photocopies. For guidelines on what you may copy as a teacher,
read "Reproduction
of Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians" at
the Library of Congress. A more recent document, "Fair Use
Guidelines for Educational Multimedia," adopted by the House
Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts and Intellectual Property in September
1996 can be found at the Consortium for College and University
Media Centers, Indiana University.
about copyright by visiting the sites below and answer these questions.
What is copyright? What is fair use? What are the tests for determining
fair use? Are there limits to the amount of material that you can
use? Click
on the Ask CyberBee button for an interactive primer on copyright.
Create a short copyright lesson to use with students.
Big Myths About Copyright Explained
Copyright Web site
U. S. Copyright Office
Copyright Lessons
Copyright Iinvestigation
This lesson examines whether or not their was a violation of copyright of music lyrics.
Lesson Plan by Laura Keamming
Laura Kaemming,
a teacher from Toledo, Ohio, created a wonderful lesson about copyright.
One of the activities she created for her students allows them
to actively think about copyright issues by listening to music
and reviewing interesting court cases.
To obtain a copy
of the article Music as Intellectual Property – . What’s
at Stake?” from the December 2000 issue of Music Alive magazine,
try interlibrary loan at your public library.
CNN: Other Songs that Have "Blurred Lines'
No portion of this document may be used for reprint in a commercial publication
without the written permission of the author.