National Standards
Below is a selected list of subject area content standards that
generally encompass thethe study of Ancient Egypt. More specific
standards can be applied depending on the project and its curriculum.
Language Arts Standards
• Students
use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g.,
libraries, databases, computer
networks, video)
to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate
• Students
develop an understanding of and respect for diversity in language
use, patterns, and dialects
across cultures, ethnic
groups, geographic regions, and social roles.
Mathematics Standards
• Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems,
and processes of measurement;
• Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements.
Number and Operations
• Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among
numbers, and number systems;
• Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another;
• Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates.
Science Standard
Science as Inquiry
• Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
• Understanding about scientific inquiry
Social Studies Standards
• Social
studies programs should include experiences that provide for the
study of culture and cultural diversity.
Time, Continuity, and Change
• Social
studies programs should include experiences that provide for the
study of the ways human beings view themselves
and over time.
Technology Standards
Research and Information Fluency
• Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
• Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research,
manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using
appropriate digital tools and resources.

This simit recipe is adapted by Leanne Kitchen’s version. I hope you enjoy them at least as much as we did:)
Makes 10
Prep time: 40 minutes (+1 hr for the dough to rise) Baking time:15-18 minutes
1 pinch sugar
15ml/3 teaspoons dried yeast
500gr (1lb 2oz/3 1/4 cups) plain flour
1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
125ml (4 fl oz/1/2 cup) pekmez (molasses like syrup)
235gr (8 1/2 oz 1 1/2 cups) sesame seeds

Egyptian Tomb Painting
Collect photographs
Create postcards in a graphics programs
Have students describe their impressions in the messages
Compare the postcard with something familiar or previously seen. |
Trek back in history to the reign of the pharaohs. Uncover the secrets
of mummification. Lift the shroud of mystery surrounding the great
pyramids. Translate hieroglyphic writing. Open the door to anthropology
and archeology through the study of Ancient Egypt. How many mysteries
will your students discover and solve?
Ancient Egypt British Museum
Visit the British
Museum and discover the land of Ancient Egypt. Learn about Egyptian
life through stories, exploration,
and a series
of challenges. Play the Egyptian board game called Senet. Examine
the painting in Nebamun’s tomb. Find geographic coordinates
in ancient Egypt. Determine the size of a pyramid. Topics include
mummification, pharaoh, pyramids, temples, time, traders, and writing.
Do not miss the staff room for teachers to assist in finding the
resources to meet the needs of students. This site is extensive,
engaging and interactive.
The Ancient Egypt Site
An Egyptologist from Belgian maintains this up to date site on the
different eras of Egyptian history. It includes tables of rulers
from the many dynasties. Locations of monuments are illustrated on
maps with the history of the time and place. The different styles
of Egyptian writing from hieroglyphs, hieratic, and demotic are illustrated.
The author provides a tutorial on learning to read Egyptian writing.
Learn what archeologists have found in recent discoveries and how
these discoveries continue to help in understanding ancient Egyptian
BBC Ancient History: Egyptians
Highlighting the BBC website are two outstanding interactive features
that will mesmerize your students. The mystery, Death in Sakkara:
an Egyptian Adventure, is an award winning masterpiece set in 1929
Egypt. Journalist Charles Fox plunges into a darkly sinister world
of intrigue, murder and mysticism in the hunt for a missing archaeologist.
Your students determine the direction of the story and gather clues.
In the Mummy Maker, students are invited to assist Kha in preparing
the body of Ramose for his funeral. This is a great way for elementary
and middle school students to learn about the mummification process.
Discovering Ancient Egypt
The Website presents a description of hieroglyphic writing, including an interactive Hieroglyphic Typewriter – you can write your name in the ancient script and email secret messages to your friends. You will also learn about Egyptian numerals and test your knowledge with some mathematical problems set out using the ancient numbers.
Egyptian Calculator
Try your hand at using the Egyptian calculator. Enter the numbers
and operations and see how the answers are calculated. Compare this
system to other systems. Read about Egyptian fractions and history
of Egyptian mathematics by selecting the links. This interactive
site will invite inquiry.
Egyptology Online
The National Home Study Group in the United Kingdom invites visitors
who are interested in Ancient Egypt to explore and use their free
resources. Although the goal of this site is to recruit individuals
for their courses, the information they provide is valuable for the
classroom. Short descriptive articles covering pyramids, tombs, monuments,
hieroglyphs, famous pharaohs are wonderful for research. Each topic
is generously illustrated with color photographs and drawings. One
feature worth noting for primary source aficionados is the story
of David Roberts the first British artist to sketch the fantastic
monuments of ancient Egypt. A few of his lithographs accompany the
biography. This site is well designed and easy to navigate. Note:
If you are interested in viewing more lithographs by David Roberts
Egyptomania Cleveland Museum of Art
Find brief information
about daily life in Egypt. Take a quiz to test your knowledge about
Egypt. Build a Pharaoh. Discover the
animals that live in Egypt through photographs and art. Egyptomania
lessons are another good resource for teachers and students.
Golden Empire
PBS provides
a wealth of resources to compliment its program, Egypt’s
Golden Empire. Start by reading about the accomplishments of people
who prospered during this era. Next, check out the special features
such as Virtual Egypt where you can explore key sites through panoramic
views or the Virtual Library with primary sources such as paintings
and sculptures. For educators, there are a variety of lessons from
architectural marvels to science and technology that incorporate
video clips from the film. Middle and high school teachers will find
this site invaluable.
Explore the Pyramids
Who built the pyramids? How were they constructed? What artifacts
were buried in the tombs? Find the answers to these questions and
more at this National Geographic website.
Science Kids Mummy Experiment
Archaeologists discover mummies that have remained intact. How is
this done? What materials were used to treat the body?
Surviving the test of time has always fascinated scientists
and archaeologists. Learn the secrets of making a mummy with this lesson.
Write Like an Egyptian
Enter the Egyptian Gallery of the University of Pennsylvania Museum
of Archaeology and Anthropology. Write your name in hieroglyphs on
the screen the way an Egyptian scribe would have written it. Then
send an online Egyptian postcard to anyone in the entire world. Visit
the Secrets and Science of the Egyptian Mummy and discover their
ideas about the afterlife. The mummification process is explained
as well as the Book of the Dead. Find photos of the many exhibits
in the University of Pennsylvania Museum.
Ancient Egypt Clip Art and Fonts
Jazz up your lessons with free clip art and inexpensive fonts from
these sites. Be sure to read their use policies. Ancient Egyptian Clip Art

The Sphinx
Ancient Egyptian Clip Art by Phillip Martin

Menu ($9.95 Windows)
 Free Egyptian Clip Art 
of King Tut
ETC: Florida’s Educational Technology
earliest known Egyptian writing: a picture story of the falcon
Source: Breasted, James Henry Outlines of European History (Boston: Ginn and
Company, 1914)
Fonts ($15.99 Mac and Windows)
