National Standards
Below is a selected list of subject area content standards that
generally encompass the study of energy. More specific standards
can be applied depending on the project and its curriculum.
Economics Standards
• Productive resources are limited. Therefore, people can
not have all the goods and services they want; as a result, they
must choose some things and give up others.
Markets – Price and Quantity Determination
• Markets exist when buyers and sellers interact. This interaction
determines market prices and thereby allocates scarce goods and
Mathematics Standard
Data Analysis and Probability Standard
• Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and
collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer them.
• Select and use appropriate statistical methods to analyze data.
• Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on
• Understand and apply basic concepts of probability.
Science Standards
Science as Inquiry
• Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
• Understanding about scientific inquiry
Science in Personal and Social Perspectives
• Natural resources
• Environmental quality
• Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges
Social Studies Standards
• People, Places, and Environment
• Science, Technology, and Society
• Global Connections
is essential and at times a controversial subject. At EPCOT Center’s
Energy exhibit, these lyrics, energy makes the world go round,
sum up the role it has in the
daily lives of people everywhere.
From a global perspective, there are many challenges with the interdependence
on energy sources. Nonrenewable energy sources include gas, oil,
goal, and uranium. Renewable energy sources include solar, wind,
geothermal, biomass, hydro, and the ocean. The debates concerning
nonrenewable vs. renewable energy will shape government policies
that will affect future generations. It is important that students
learn about energy sources and the impact they have in their own
Alliant Energy Kids
Learn about the basics of electricity and natural gas, including
safety and renewable energy sources. Have you ever wondered how wind
becomes electricity? Can you spot the electric hazards you might
see outside? Play these games to find the answers. Find projects
you can make at home or in the classroom such as a solar oven, anemometer,
or pinwheel. Students, who like to color, do puzzles and test their
smarts, can print out a variety of fun activity sheets. Teachers
and parents will find lessons on energy safety and conservation.
This site is geared to elementary students.
EnerStar Kids Korner
An abundance of information, complimented by wonderful illustrations,
is presented to educate students about why we need energy, the various
sources, the need to be efficient, and preparing for emergencies.
Teachers will appreciate the glossary and worksheets. Elementary
and middle school students will benefit from this informative site.
Saving energy is the main topic of this site designed by the U.S.
Department of Energy. Discover ways to use energy wisely in your
home. Play the game Energy Elf . Learn brief
facts about renewable energy. Parents and teachers will find more
than 160 lessons and activities related to energy.Teachers
are the target audience of this site.
EIA Energy Kids Page
Need fast facts about energy sources, how they were/are formed,
and their environmental impact? Want to know energy history and famous
people who contributed their expertise and ingenuity? Looking for
lessons, science experiments, and energy news? Detailed diagrams
are included to help students understand scientific concepts. In
addition there is a section of games, crossword puzzles, energy slang,
and scavenger hunt. This is a good starting place when studying energy
Energy Star Kids
Be an energy
star by discovering how to become more energy efficient. Learn
what energy is, where it comes from, the
different types of
energy, the consequences of using energy, and saving energy. The
photographs depicting the warming climate are powerful and suggest
ways to make a difference. Click on items in a room and find out
how to be a smart energy consumer. The word bank offers vocabulary
definitions regarding energy. Factoids find the why’s, where’s,
how’s, and who’s of energy. Learn how you can make a
difference in conserving energy by exploring this compelling site.
FERC Pamplet
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent government
agency, officially organized as part of the Department of Energy.
This site offers the opportunity of taking a virtual tour of its
headquarters. Click the icons on the map of the United States to
see where we get our energy. Become familiar with how energy is regulated
and disputes settled. Select a career with the FERC and see if you
meet the qualifications. Play a crossword puzzle, word find, maze,
or take a quiz to test your knowledge of the FERC. The section for
parents offers helpful hints on saving and using energy. Teachers
will find a number of resources to use with students. Kids are provided
with links to fun energy sites that are specifically geared for them.
NRC: Students' Corner
The U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission offers a Student’s
Corner to explain nuclear energy and fission. It explains what nuclear
energy is, how fission occurs, and the uses of nuclear material.
After explaining nuclear energy the site goes on to discuss the two
different types of nuclear reactors in the United States using diagrams
and photographs. Radiation is explained through diagrams as well.
Emergency planning and security photos illustrate the importance
of protecting nuclear facilities. Decommissioning is explained and
radioactive waste sites are illustrated. Teacher lessons plans are
included as well as a glossary and periodic table of the elements
from the Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Chemistry Division.
Rounding out the site is an atomic crossword puzzle and quiz to test
your nuclear knowledge.
NREL: Learning About Renewable Energy
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory has provided a Website
on energy efficiency and various applications of renewable energy.
Renewable energies include solar, wind, biomass, hydrogen, geothermal,
ocean, and hydropower. This site includes information on each and
how the energy is captured and used. Who uses renewal energy and
what it means to the world are only a few of the topics explored.
This site is a treasure trove of information and resources on the
topic of renewable energy.

Wind Power
U.S. Department of Energy
Nuclear Power
Argonne National Laboratory
Hydroelectric Power
Department of Energy
Fossil Fuel
Argonne National Laboratory
Solar Panels
National Science Foundation