Science Fair Fundamentals
Science Fair programs are awesome and can generate all sorts of
amazing results from inspiring and engaging projects. Finding good
resources that outline the process and suggest age appropriate topics
is a key component for getting students started. Another important
factor is to involve parents so they can assist their child throughout
the process. Be sure to visit these CyberBee selected Websites for
resources, tips, and experiments that will help jump-start your science
fair program.
Science Project Resources
All Science Fair Projects
Search or browse over 500 science fair topics with descriptions,
grade level, and links to the featured Websites. This database of
information has been compiled and indexed for easy searching. At
the time of publication, there was no fee for the service.
Science Buddies
Students looking for science fair projects will find loads ideas at
Science Buddies. Features of each project include, a summary (difficulty
level, time required, prerequisites, cost, any safety concerns), background,
materials, procedure, how to make it your own, help, and a learn more
link. A project guide will take them through the steps from determining
their hypothesis to formulating their conclusion. They can also ask
an expert for advice after their initial research. A free subscription
to My Science Buddies allows students to save information into their
own area, upload photos of their projects, and receive a monthly newsletter.
Teachers will appreciate the grading rubrics and links to resources.
Science Buddies is a nice starting point during science fair season.
Science Fair Central
From the nuts and
bolts of putting a project together to a database of questions and
there is a wealth of information for students, teachers and parents.
Tip sheets in categories such as astronomy, biology, chemistry,
and physics guide students through the inquiry process from developing
a question to designing an experiment. Teachers will find the science
fair organizer that includes a letter to parents, checklists and
evaluation criteria to be a big timesaver. Parents will benefit
from resources that offer suggestions
on how to choose a topic, how much time is needed and where to
find more information. Begin your science fair preparation by visiting
this site first.
Science Project Handbook
Want a model handbook to assist students with the science fair process?
The Science Project Handbook written for Collier County Schools,
Florida is a great example. It is well organized and contains information
from why you should do a science project to expectations, timeline,
glossary, categories, choosing a topic, data checklists, the display,
and judging criteria.
Super Science Fair Projects
Areas for students, teachers, and parents abound with ideas and
step-by-step instructions. Once you master the site’s navigation,
you will be rewarded with loads of comprehensive information, tips,
and links to Websites on a variety of topics.
Science Experiments
This collection of sites will entice young minds to experiment using
the scientific method in both traditional and unusual ways.
ACS Education
Goop to go, Tacky tape, and Pasta with Pep are examples
of chemistry experiments that will intrigue students.
a list of materials, activity, something to think about and a concluding
what’s going on here. Each step is artfully illustrated and
appealing to the intended audience.
Brain Pop Science
At present, BrainPOP has over 80 original animated movies covering
Health, Science, and Technology topics. The movies are excellent
for explaining basic concepts like the Scientific Method or Newton’s
Laws. Content is based on the National Science Education Standards.
However it is a commercial site that charges a subscription fee
if you want to view more than 2 movies per day. Subscription fees
depending on use. Check the Website for subscription information.
Exploratorium Science Snacks
Bite size experiments that will hook your students to delve deeper
into science. Make glass disappear, create a battery with your skin
and two different metals, or suspend a ball in a stream of air. There
are lots of five-minute experiments or demonstrations that can be
expanded into longer ones. A discussion group is available to ask
more questions, send comments, or share results.
Science NetLinks
Science NetLinks
is part of the MarcoPolo Education Foundation. It features standards-based
lesson plans that incorporate reviewed
Internet resources and are organized around Benchmarks for Science
Literacy. Lesson plans are written for the teacher, but include
student-ready materials. Lessons can be sorted by title, grade range,
and benchmark.
Internet Resources are selected through a rigorous set of criteria
and may be sorted according to benchmarks and grade range. Several
multimedia tools are needed for the interactive portions of the
site including, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Real Player, Shockwave, Flash,