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Black Bear Up Close
Black bears are primarily adapted to use forested areas and their edges and clearings. Black bears have short, curved claws better suited to climbing trees than digging. This enables black bears to forage for certain foods, such as mast, by climbing trees. Behaviorally, black bears are generally much less aggressive than grizzly bears and rely on their ability to climb trees to allow themselves and their cubs to escape predators such as wolves, grizzly bears, or other black bears. Black bear cubs are born in the winter den, spend the summer following birth with their mother, den with her again in the fall, then separate from her early the next summer as yearlings.

Source: National Park Service
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File information
Album name:admin / Yellowstone National Park
Keywords:Black Bear Yellowstone
Photographer:H. V. Noble
File Size:437 KB
Date added:Nov 02, 2009
Dimensions:1024 x 689 pixels
Displayed:534 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

Updated October 10, 2009
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