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Big Craters
Big Craters is a great example of how a fissure eruption gradually changes from a long curtain of fire to a single main vent. The fissure beneath Big Craters probably extended from the Spatter Cones to North Crater. Eruptions took place at many different points along the fissure. Big Craters is called a "cinder cone complex" because it's made up of as many as nine separate vents. Some of the smaller vents sit inside of larger ones. The cinders that make up Big Craters are varying shades of red, brown, and black. Some cinders are even iridescent purple and gold. Red cinders, like red lava rock, are the result of iron oxidization when the cooling cinders come in contact with steam. The iridescence is caused by a microscopically thin layer of volcanic glass that formed when the super hot cinders hit the cool air.

Source: National Park Service
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File information
Album name:admin / Craters of the Moon National Monument
Keywords:Lava Craters Moon
Photographer:H. V. Noble
File Size:837 KB
Date added:Nov 12, 2009
Dimensions:1024 x 689 pixels
Displayed:906 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

Updated October 10, 2009
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