Hints for teachers and parents about the rational learning of the multiplication table

    We use multiplication everyday without realizing it. Multiplication is used to determine the size or number of elements in many groups of equal size. For example, there are 6 candies in a pack and you buy 4 packs, how many candies do you have altogether? This problem can be solved by addition as follows: 6+6+6+6 = 24. This method is known as repeated addition and it can be replaced by the multiplication method 4*6 = 24 . This is one interpretation of multiplication in which multiplication problems involve a number of sets (e.g. 4 packs of candies), each having the same number of objects (e.g. 6 candies per pack). The relation between the repeated addition and multiplication methods clearly shows the necessity of mastering elementary addition before learning the 10 x 10 multiplication table.
    Multiplication is also used to determine the number of objects that are arranged in an array. An array is an arrangement of objects in a number of equal sized rows or columns. You can observe many arrays in a supermarket such as cans on the shelves. The Fig. 1 below shows there are four rows of cans with six cans in a row or six columns with four cans in a column.

    This may be interpreted as a 4x6 array with four rows and 6 cans in each row or as a 6x4 array with six columns and 4 cans in each column.
The following problem illustrates the use of the array interpretation of multiplication. There are 6 rows of parking spaces in a parking lot and each row can park 7 cars (see Fig. 2 above), how many cars can be parked in the parking lot? The multiplication method gives us 6*7 = 42.
    Another interpretation that relates to the array model is the area model. A typical question to illustrate this model is: A metal sheet is 6 feet by 8 feet, what is the area of the sheet. The answer can be easily found from Fig. 3.

    Multiplication is also related to the Cartesian product of two sets. Imagine a rectangular plate with four cut out shapes: triangle, square, octagon and circle. Let us treat it from mathematical point of view as a set of four shapes. Another set is a box with five cans of paint: red, yellow, blue, green and violet. Formally a Cartesian product of any two sets is defined as a third set containing all different pairs of elements created by taking one element from the first set and one element from the second set. In Fig. 4 there are presented all these sets and operation of making a Cartesian product is marked with "X" (notice that the same symbol "X" is also used to mark multiplication of two numbers, but then it has a totally different meaning). You can see the outcome of this operation represents the set of all shapes from the first set paired with all colors from the second set. All together 20 elements of the third set that differ by shape, color or both, shape and color. The number of elements of the third set can be obtained by multiplication of the number of elements in the first set by the number of elements in the second set.

    Take another problem of this sort. There are 5 boys and 4 girls at a party. How many different dancing partners can be formed? In abstract terms we have solved this problem already. To see this, it is enough to realize that we can assign to each boy a different shape from the former problem utilizing all shapes and to each girl a different color utilizing all colors from the former problem.
    There are many problems in real life in which the Cartesian product model of multiplication is used. For example, different packages to be wrapped from a given number of colors of wrapping paper and differently colored ribbons. The number of outfits that can be arranged using a given number of skirts and blouses, shirts and pants. The number of different meals from a given number of different items like meats, salads, vegetables, and drinks.
Learning the basic interpretations of multiplication is necessary for knowing when and how to use multiplication solving real problems such as these presented above. These interpretations are also very helpful in a rational learning of the 10 x 10 multiplication table in elementary education. Later on they help to understand some of the following formal axiomatic properties of multiplication:

   1. a*0 = 0*a = 0        the zero property
   2. a*1 = 1*a = a        the identity property
   3. a*b = b*a              the commutative property
   4. a(b+c) = ab+ac    the distributive property.

    The array interpretation of multiplication explains all of these properties. Taking a times (e.g. six times) a row containing no elements (zero elements) or zero times a row containing a elements leaves us with no elements. This is just what the zero property states. The same line of arguments applies to the identity property. This time, however, a times a row containing one element or one times a row containing a elements should be taken. For the identity property all of it is demonstrated in Fig. 5 presenting two instances of our visual multiplication table.

    The comutativity property is illustrated a similar way in Fig. 6. It is visually clear there that 4*9 gives the same number of blue squares as 9*4.

    The distributive property can also be illustrated with the help of Fig. 6. It can be seen from this figure what does it mean that 4*9 = (2 + 2)*9 = 2*9 + 2*9 = 18 + 18 = 36. Thus, if somebody knows how much is 2*9 then to find how much is 4*9 this person has to add eighteen and eighteen. Looking on Fig. 6 one can see another method of quick finding the resultant of 4*9. It goes like this 4*9 = 4*(10 - 1) = 4*10 - 4*1 = 40 - 4 = 36.
    These examples show how it is possible to master the multiplication table learning about its interpretation, structure and properties rather than memorizing it. This kind of approach sets a good background for learning and understanding more sophisticated math.

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