National Standards
Science Standards
Physical Science Content Standard B
Grades: 5-8
• Properties
and changes of properties in matter
• Motions and forces
• Transfer of energy
Grades 9-12
• Structure
of atoms
• Structure and properties of matter
• Chemical reactions
• Motions and forces
• Conservation of energy and increase in disorder
• Interactions of energy and matter
Technology Standards
3. Technology productivity tools
• Students
use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity,
and promote creativity.
• Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced
models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works.
6. Technology problem-solving and decision-making tools
• Students
use technology resources for solving problems and making informed
• Students employ technology in the development of strategies for solving
problems in the real world.
Enter the wild world of physics where appearances and logic are
often turned upside down. Understanding the underlying concepts is
essential for uncovering the magic of physics. It can be a thrilling
adventure for students as they discover lots of cool methods for
lasting knowledge. Browse these Websites and discover a variety of
interactive simulations, experiments, and ideas to use in your classroom.
Amusement Park Physics
Plan a virtual
field trip to Amusement Park Physics sponsored by the Annenberg
Foundation. Learn about freefall and
gravity using
a paper cup with holes and water. While riding the carousel, think
about the laws of motion. Are some horses moving faster than others?
Predict the outcomes of bumper car collisions based on the laws of
acceleration and interaction. Explore these questions regarding pendulum
rides. What causes the feeling of "weightlessness" on pendulum
rides? Why do riders experience high g-forces on pendulum rides?
Then, design a roller coaster. Select the height of the first hill,
the shape of the hill, the exit path, the height of the second hill,
and if you should include a loop. After making your selections, test
your coaster for safety and fun. Enjoy your visit and be sure to
pass the link on to other teachers.
Over 400 math and science Gizmos populate this subscription based
Website. A Gizmo is visual, interactive, has depth of content, and
encourages inquiry and exploration. The learning process allows students
to actively participate in guided simulations that teach specific
concepts. Students gather data, manipulate variables, and view the
results of their hypothesis. At the end of the experiment, there
is a related assessment. Teachers can use these Gizmos in whole class,
group, or individualized instruction. Each Gizmo is accompanied by
an Exploration Guide with suggestions for using it in the classroom.
The entire collection of Gizmos correlates to textbooks and state
standards. You are allotted five free minutes per day per Gizmo or
you can thoroughly evaluate the site with a 30 day free trial. Pricing
varies depending on the number of licenses purchased. Check the Website
or call (toll free): 866-882-4141 for further information. This is
a five star site.
Fear of Physics
Animated demonstrations and virtual activities will engage students
in critical thinking about the how and why of physics. Predict which
object will finish first in a race between a ball and two different
cylinders. Determine where the fulcrum and children should be placed
on a seesaw. Choose the path a spinning ball will take when the string
is cut. These are a few of the investigations for students to study
and analyze. Take the fear out of physics by visiting this site.
HTML 5 Applets on Physics: Walter Fendt
Walter Fendt
has created a fabulous set of Java applets that may be used by
educators. You are permitted to copy the HTML
texts and
the applets for non-commercial purposes. You are allowed to put the
applets on a WWW server if you don't remove the copyright remarks
and the original URLs. Newton’s cradle, a simple pendulum,
buoyant force in liquids, and motion with constant acceleration are
wonderful examples of the subjects covered. Multiple languages are
Ippex Online
Students will enjoy these virtual learning modules on matter, electricity
and magnetism, energy, and fusion. Through a series of interactive
visualizations, students will learn about the basic concepts of matter,
static charges, how to construct a circuit, temperature effect on
atomic movement, Coulomb force vs. velocity, and fusion vs. temperature.
This project originated in 1996 at the Princeton University Plasma
Physics Laboratory as part of a National Science Foundation grant,
administered by the Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education
(CIESE) at the Stevens Institute of Technology.
Little Shop of Physics
The Little Shop of Physics is an outreach program of the Department
of Physics at Colorado State University, specializing in hands-on
science. With over sixty programs for all ages, you may wish to have
them visit your school. Check the Website for details. In addition,
some video clips and experiments are available online.
NSTA Learning Center
This professional development Website provides access to over 1200
different resources and opportunities for teachers. Journal articles,
book chapters, and SciGuides are provided to assist teachers with
classroom integration. The resources are aligned to the National
Science Standards and collected into topical units. All areas of
science are included for a ready reference and to provide rich resources
for teachers and students. Create a free account to access a wealth
of information. NSTA members receive a discount on all SciGuide purchases
as well as other benefits.
Kinematics and dynamics are presented in a multimedia format, at
introductory and also at deeper levels. Individual video clips and
animations are suitable for use by high school teachers. For each
of the modules, links are provided to the animations, film clips,
and various support pages. Access to the multimedia tutorials is
via the Physclips homepage. Each animation and film clip may be downloaded
in zip files, either individually or in a single zip file for each
The Physics Classroom
Studyworks Online
hosts the teacher created content that focuses on practical applications
of physics. The Physics
Tutorial provides
animations, diagrams, and information about basic concepts. Examples
of tutorials are kinematics, Newton’s Laws, waves, reflection,
refraction, work, energy, power, momentum, and vectors. If physics
is difficult for you to visualize, then visit the Multimedia Physics
Studio section. These multimedia animations illustrate relationships
between physics concepts and include formulas, diagrams, and definitions.
Click on Physics Help to hone your skills. Graph, analyze, and interpret
position-time and velocity-time graphs. Recognize forces in different
physical situations. Identify direction and magnitude of vectors,
and perform vector addition. The illustrations, examples, definitions,
and quizzes provide a solid foundation for high school students studying
Physics of Sport
What do baseball, basketball, bowling, football, golf, ice hockey,
soccer, billiards, gymnastics, racing, roller hockey, rowing, and
tennis have to do with physics? Learn the physics of each sport as
you observe and solve equations. This site explains physics concepts
through vocabulary and demonstrations of each of the eight sports.
Photographs depicting examples of physics while playing each sport
are included. After participating in the activities at this site
you will never look at sports activities again without thinking about
the physics concepts demonstrated through each movement and play.
Physics World Teaching Resources
The Physics Department and Faculty of Education from the Chinese
University of Hong Kong have assembled a rich collection of applets,
animations, and images to use in the classroom. Some areas are restricted
to members. Any secondary school physics teacher in Hong Kong can
become a member of Physics World.
Skateboard Science: Mid-Air Maneuvers
You have seen skateboarders turn in mid-air with a maneuver called
a frontside 180 and cats land on their feet. How does physics explain
this action? Read the discussion and try the activity associated
with it. The law of conservation of angular motion can be very sneaky.
TeacherTech: Newton's 3 Laws of Motion
Using animations
and concise explanations, students are introduced to Sir Isaac
Newton and his 3 Laws of Motion. At
the end of the tutorial
is a short quiz and links to hands-on experiments that further reinforce
critical thinking and understanding. This is a great starting point
for Newton’s Laws of Motion.
Wake Forest University Physics Demonstration Videos
Have you ever seen a tablecloth pulled from under plates that remain
undisturbed on a table? Does a balloon pop when placed on a bed of
nails? Will water spill from a pail when spun in a vertical circle?
To find the answers to these questions, watch the videos in the demonstration
lab. They are quite fascinating and supported by the laws of physics.

Watch Tacoma Suspension Bridge Disaster
and Unstable Structures Grades 6-8
this lesson, students will
1. examine the structural flaws that caused three bridges to collapse,
2. determine what factors need to be considered in building a stable
structure, and
3. compare and contrast the pros and cons of various bridge building
with Bernoulli Grades 4-6
should be able to:
* Understand that air pressure decreases as the speed of air increases.
* Understand that air pressure acts in all directions (not just down).