are activities you could incorporate into your language arts curriculum.
Have your students read How a Book is Made by Aliki at the
HarperCollins Web site. Then, print out the Noodles pop-up book
page at the same location. Have your students color the picture
with magic markers or crayons. Then cut, paste, and fold to make
the book. Take the activity one step further by having students
create their own pop-ups and stories. The following list points
you to some terrific pages that can help you get started.
History of Pop-Up Books - Ann Montanaro
books should look like ordinary books. Their success is to be measured
by the ingenuity with which their bookish format conceals unbookish
characteristics." A short history of pop-up books with references
to Make a Pop-Up- wikiHow
All you need is a story, a couple of hours, and a few simple materials.
David A. Carter Pop-Up Books
Visit this Website and learn how to make your own pop-up book. Watch the movies, then purchase his book. Then watch as your students cook up
their own creations. Based on David Carter's books, there are other
activities you won't want to miss..
Robert Sabuda
From pop-up book basics to more complex techniques, this is a great place to visit. Detailed step-by-step instructions are included.