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Have fun trying to find the solutions to these reference questions. Go to the suggested Web site and search for the answer. You may also use search pages such as Google or Yahoo. You are a Cybernaut if you can answer 17 - 20, an Internet Navigator with 13-16, a Hitchhiker with 9-12, or a Newbie with less than 9.

Teachers : If you want to use this as an activity in your classroom, just print the page and pass it out to your students. That way they can't click on the answer button and go immediately to the solution.

1. What words are similar in meaning to speech Answer

Hint: Thesaurus

2. What play contains these famous lines Answer

"Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble."

Hint: Project Bartleby

3. How do you say "nice to meet you" in Dutch Answer

Hint: Foreign Languages for Travelers

4. What is the toll free number for Compaq Computers? Answer

Hint: 800 Toll-Free Internet Directory

5. How many U.S. Dolllars equal one Russian Rouble Answer

Hint: Currency Conversion

6. What is the current trading price for the maker of Big Macs Answer

Hint: Go: Reuter's Stock Quotes

7. January 1, 2004 will fall on what day of the week Answer

Hint: Calendar Zone

8. What happened on April 1 in history Answer

Hint: Today in History - History Channel

9. What is the address for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D. C. Answer

Hint: Washington D.C. Embassies

10. A vexillologist is an expert in what? Answer

Hint: Betsy Ross Homepage

11. Where would you find a topographical map of Colorado Answer

Hint: Color Landform Atlas of the United States

12. Where would you find a map of your city Answer

Hint: MapQuest

13. Who is the current ruler of the Ukraine Answer

Hint: Rulers

14. What is the current United States population Answer

Hint: U.S. Census Bureau Home Page

15. Who are the two senators from Oregon in the current Congress Answer

Hint: U.S. Senate

16. Where can you find a copy of the First Thanksgiving Proclamation Answer

Hint: National Archives

17. What is anemia Answer

Hint: KidsHealth

18. When was George W. Bush born Answer

Hint: Biography

19. Who is Kathleen Battle Answer

Hint: Infoplease

20. Where can you go for the latest headlines, photographs and in depth global news coverage Answer

Hint: Print and TV Media


Updated March 14, 2015
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