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Have fun trying to solve the questions. Some may have more than one answer. You are a Cybernaut if you can answer 8-10, an Internet Navigator with 5-7, a Hitchhiker with 3-4, or a Newbie with less than 3.

1. When did the Millenium begin Answer

Hint: NRICH Math
2. What was one of the earliest forms for telling time Answer

Hint: History of Telling Time

3. What rhyme helps us remember the odd distribution of days in our various months Answer

Hint: Enchanted Learning Rhymes
4. How many calendars did the Aztecs have Answer

Hint: Aztec Calendar - Mysterious Origins
5. What kind of photographs are best for a time capsule Answer

Hint: Preservation Hints for Time Capsules - Future Packaging and Preservation

6. Why were the letters KEO chosen for the satellite that will carry messages into space Answer

Hint: KEO Satellite -Life After People Wiki
7. Where can you find a picture of Daniel Bernoulli Answer

Hint: Bernoulli Biography, Facts, and Pictures
8. What is the official time of the United States Answer

Hint: Official U.S. Time
9. Who made the first pendulum clock Answer

Hint: A Walk Through Time
10. How many time zones are in the worldAnswer

Hint: Current Time Around the World


Updated March 14, 2015
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