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eNews Updates

Many organizations are distributing free newsletters with timely articles and links to valuable resources. Joining a mailing list or RSS feed is easy, convenient, and a time saver when you want the latest news about innovative technology and practical ideas for integrating it into your classroom. Below is a selected mix of educational technology newsletters and RSS feeds for you to investigate.

Annenberg Media

Annenberg Media, part of the Annenberg Foundation, focuses on professional development for K-12 teachers. One of their goals is to distribute educational video programs with corresponding Web and print materials to advance excellence in teaching. Video programming is made available via the Annenberg Satellite Channel, free video on demand at the Website, and on DVD or videocassette. Each month, subscribers to the Updates newsletter will receive a message highlighting the news, elearning, and programming of the Annenberg Channel, as well as ideas for connecting their resources to classroom curriculum.


If you are looking for rich content related to folklore and the cultural arts, you will want to receive periodic updates on resources, projects, and events that are happening across the country. The Cultural Arts Resources for Teachers and Students (C.A.R.T.S.), a cultural resource center for K-12 education is filled with folklore, history, culture, and arts-in-education resources and educational activities. To join the mailing list, send an email message to

Education Week

Read breaking news about today’s critical issues such as No Child Left Behind, technology trends and other topics that impact educators. Subscribe to a variety of weekly or monthly updates such as Edweek Update, Teacher Magazine Update, EdTech Trends, and Curriculum Matters. By joining Education Week’s RSS news feed, the latest articles are a click away.


The George Lucas Educational Foundation (GLEF) publishes three e-newsletters - Edutopia News and two topic-specific publications: Project-Based Learning and Technology in Education. These newsletters provide inspiring stories from teachers and students in action, resources for news, information on grants, editorial highlights, and links to what’s new on the Website. The RSS feed disseminates in-depth articles about innovative education from The George Lucas Educational Foundation.

eSchool News

Discover how schools are using technology, find grant funding opportunities, and learn about new assessment tools through eSchool News and Classroom News. Each is a monthly publication sent via email. For daily updates, visit the eSchool News Website or subscribe to the RSS feed that dispenses the top news in school technology.

From Now On – The Educational Technology Journal

Jamie McKenzie, nationally known educator and speaker, publishes a bi-monthly newsletter from September – June. Each issue contains thought provoking articles, cartoons, and announcements from the FNO Press. Recent articles include Putting an End to Topical Research, Photoshopping Reality: Journalistic Ethics in a Time of Virtual Truth, and Nothing but Net - The NoTime Slam Dunk Lesson..

PBS Teachers

The PBS weekly newsletter is dedicated to providing teachers, students and their families with resources that transform teaching and learning. This weekly magazine is designed for prek-12 teachers. By creating a profile, the newsletter can be customized to fit a teacher’s content and grade level so that relevant information is seen immediately. Not only are resources provided, but the schedule for PBS shows are listed. This is a great resource for all teachers.

Scout Report

The weekly Scout Report is the flagship publication of the Internet Scout Project. Published since 1994, it provides a quick way to keep informed about great resources that are available on the Web. Each site is selected, reviewed, and annotated by a team of professional librarians and subject matter experts. Subscribe to the newsletter or read current and archived issues online.

T.H.E. Journal

Five newsletters are supported by T.H.E. Journal, a publication that highlights K-12 technology trends. K-12 Tech Trends covers trends, tools, and opinion pieces about instructional use of technology. T.H.E. SmartClassroom focuses on hardware, infrastructure, and best practices. School Security provides information on school and data protection. T.H.E. Focus provides in-depth information about a specific topic. EduHound Weekly features Website reviews, tips, and schools that are successfully using technology. Visit the EduHound site <> for archives or to browse by category.

Library of Congress

Over ten news feeds are offered by the Library of Congress covering news, upcoming events, Webcasts, and copyright. The feeds are designed to be read in either an RSS reader or RSS-enabled Web Browser. News for Teachers highlights new Web content, professional development opportunities, and programs of interest to educators. .

U.S. Department of Education

Learn about model schools for improving learning. Find funding and grant opportunities. Discover new teaching resources. Read about promising innovations, research, and current U.S. Department of Education activities. Eight newsletters and a daily RSS feed are distributed to inform teachers, administrators, and stakeholders about current issues.


RSS (Really Simple Syndication) allows organizations to deliver news to a desktop computer. By subscribing to RSS feeds, users can easily stay up-to-date with their favorite news sources. A feed reader or aggregator is an application that collects and presents content from a news feed. There are generally two different types of RSS readers, a self contained program and one that uses a web browser. Firefox 2 and Internet Explorer 7 have built-in RSS readers. Firefox’s Live Bookmarks feature automatically delivers updates to your favorite sites. Click on the subscribe button in Internet Explorer and the feed is automatically added to the Favorites Center and Common Feed List. The latest versions of Netscape and Safari also have automated readers.

eSchool News

RSS Specifications

>Originally Published Jul/Aug 2007

Updated March 14, 2015
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