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Primary Source Investigation
Children of Yesteryear
Writing Prompts with Photographs

Click on the thumbnail image to view a larger picture. Answer the questions below by examining each photograph. Then, write a story about one of the pictures. The Photo Analysis Guide provides further guidance.

Winter Coats Best Friends
Winter Coats On the Trail Best Friends
How would you describe the children's clothing? Where was this photograph taken? Who are the characters in this photograph?
Ruffles and Bows Mystery Prop
Ruffles and Bows Baby Bunting Mystery Prop
What evidence in this photograph would tell you when it was taken? What is underneath the baby? What is the child holding?

Photo Analysis Guide




Describe exactly what you see in the photo
  • What people and objects are shown?
  • How are they arranged?
  • What is the physical setting?
  • What other details can you see?
Summarize what you already know< about
the situation and time period shown,
and the people and objects that appear.
Say what you conclude from what you see.
  • What's going on in the picture?
  • Who are the people & what are they doing?
  • What might be the function of the objects?
  • What can we conclude about the time period?
Further Research What questions has the photo raised? What are some sources I can use to find answers?


Updated March 11, 2017
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Erika Taguchi/Designer & Illustrator
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