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Desktop Weather
Fun Stuff
Ann Arbor Weatther 2019
Ann Arbor Weayher 1972
A snow roller is a rare meteorological phenomenon in which large snowballs are formed naturally as chunks of snow are blown along the ground by wind, picking up material along the way, in much the same way that the large snowballs used in snowmen are made. They can be as small as a tennis ball, but they can also be bigger than a car. Wikipedia
FEMA for Kids
Help the Heroes! Will you know what to do? Make the right decisions and earn points to unlock new levels. But watch out! The wrong choice could end the game. Survive all 7 levels plus a turn in the hot seat and become a Disaster Master! Print out chapters of your own graphic novel as you play.
Groundhog Day
Will there be six more weeks of winter or an early spring? Punxsutawney
Phil has the answer on Groundhog Day. Play the shockwave Groundhog Environment
Simulator game, celebrate February 2 in your classroom with a variety
of "hogtivities," or organize a Groundhog Club Chapter.
Science Kids Weather Facts
Enjoy these fun weather facts for kids. Check out amazing snowfall, rainfall, temperature and wind speed records while learning more about lightning, tornadoes and cyclones. Read on for a range of interesting facts about weather and climate.
Weather Dude
Sing along with the Weather Dude, Nick Walker. His irresistible recordings
and lyrics give a musical twist to meteorology. Ordering information is
given for purchasing a 10-song cassette/46-page book titled Weather Dude:
A Musical Guide to the Atmosphere.
Weather Wiz Kids
Step-by-step instructions for consucting weather experiements will delight young scientists.
NOAA & National Weather Service

Weather Bug
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