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Animal Houses
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Henry's Cabin
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Henry Builds a cabin
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Treasure Hunt Through Henry Builds a Cabin

Nest Activity 

1. On the page where Henry is drawing the blueprints for his cabin he is holding a pencil. What does the pencil say? Why does it say this?

2. Was Henry left handed or right handed? What clues do you have to discover this?

3. Name the animals that are around Henry as he draws his blueprints.

4. There is a blue jay in the illustrations. What parallel is there between the blue jay and Henry?

5. Name the different kinds of animals you find in Henry Builds a Cabin? How many different kinds of animals do you see? What are the animals doing?

6. What do you notice about the two scarecrows that Henry places in his garden?

7. Why do you suppose that D.B. Johnson has a turtle in the final page of the story?

8. What furniture does Henry place in his cabin? What other items did he bring to his cabin?

9. Why do you think Henry wrote the items in his journal sitting on his green desk?

10. How is time depicted in this story?

11. What do you see in the pond near Henry’s cabin?

12. How does the artist depict that it is raining? Try the technique in your art work.

13. Do you know why the author shows Henry carrying a flute on his grand stairway down to the pond? LINK

14. What does Henry say about the number of chairs he has in his cabin?

15. Henry uses a number of tools in building his cabin. What are the names of the tools and how is he using them in the book?

16. What kind of wood does Henry use to construct his cabin?

17. Where does he get his wood?

18. When did Henry move into his cabin?

19. Where in the story do we learn how large Henry’s cabin will be?

20. Henry is drawing his blueprints in his journal on the first page of the story. Where else is the house drawn?

Answers to Treasure Hunt

Updated March 9, 2017
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