Who Dunnit? Slide Show
Extensions for integrating the unit into the curriculum.
- Language Arts - reading mysteries, writing mysteries, writing evidence, persuasive writing
- Social Studies - mock trial for suspects
- Art - sketching crime scenes
Dan the Man is the Barefoot Burglar
Click on the book cover to order the
title from Amazon.
Crime Lab Chemistry : Teacher's Guide
by Jacqueline Barber December 1993 |
Detective Science: 40 Crime-Solving, Case-Breaking,
Crook-Catching Activities for Kids by Jim Wiese,
Ed Shems (Illustrator) February 6, 1996 |
Fingerprinting (Great Explorations in Math and Science)
by Jeremy J. Ahouse, Carl Babcock, Carol Bevilacqua
(Illustrator) December 1998 |