and Stripes Lesson for Teachers (pdf)
Government Standard
Ohio Benchmark
B: Recognize and explain the importance of symbols and landmarks of the United
Guided Questions
What do you see on the right side of this page?
What does it represent?
What do you see on the flag?
How many stripes are there? Why?
How many stars? Why?
What are the colors of our flag? Why do you think these colors were selected?
Where do you see flags flown?
Is there a time when you think of the flag even when you cannot see it?
Are there any songs that you can think of that make you think of the
Which symbol means the
most to you, the stars or the stripes?

Learn more about the history and symbolism of the American
Betsy Ross HomePage
Betsy Ross House (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Ben's Guide
(K-2): Symbols of the U.S. Government: The Flag
Guide (3-5): Symbols of the U.S. Government: The Flag

John Philip Sousa (1854-1932)
Courtesy of The Library of Congress
John Philip Sousa
John Philip Sousa was a composer and bandmaster.
He is known as America's March King. In 1896, he wrote Stars and
Stripes Forever.
to a recording of Stars and Stripes Forever played by Sousa's Band
in 1913. Have you ever heard this tune?

Learn more about John
Philip Sousa from America's Library.
other songs have been written about the flag? |
Stars and Stripes Forever
Hurrah for the flag of the free!
May it wave as our standard forever,
The gem of the land and the sea,
The banner of the right.
Let despots remember the day
When our fathers with mighty endeavor
Proclaimed as they marched to the fray
That by their might and by their right
it waves forever.
--John Philip Sousa
Students may sing
along with the recording. |