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Manifest Destiny

Social Studies:

1. Analyze information about historical developments by
b. identifying and comparing experiences and perspectives
c. Assessing credibility of sources (e.g. primary and secondary sources, biased ans objective accounts), and
d. interpreting data (e.g., charts, graphs, narratives, illustrations, and photographs)
2. Identify and explain cause and effect relationships for major historical developments, * including:
a. historical antecedents (e.g. related and unrelated events),
b. multiple causation, and
c. accidental, or unexpected circumstances.

Compare and contrast the lives of the Native Americans and the settlers? Use these photographs as starting points.

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Interior of teepee  CREATED/PUBLISHED
[between 1905 and 1907?]

A group of unidentified Native Americans sit playing cards inside a teepee on the Flathead Indian Reservation in western Montana. Numerous pillows and blankets are on the ground inside the teepee. A group of pots and containers is in the foreground.

Emigrants at the Gates P.O., Custer County [1886] created by Solomon D. Butcher

The Library of Congress
History of the American West

Prairie Settlement, Nebraska


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Updated March 16, 2017
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